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Image by Robert Ingersoll Aitken

Robert Ingersoll Aitken

Image by Tore Asplund

Tore Asplund

Image by George Copeland Ault

George Copeland Ault

Image by March Avery

March Avery

Image by Edward M. Bannister

Edward M. Bannister

Image by Paul Bartlett

Paul Bartlett

Image by Antoine-Louis Barye

Antoine-Louis Barye

Image by Gilbert Bayes

Gilbert Bayes

Image by William Holbrook Beard

William Holbrook Beard

Image by Cecilia Beaux

Cecilia Beaux

Image by Thomas Hart Benton

Thomas Hart Benton

Image by Rosamond Berg

Rosamond Berg

Image by Oscar Berninghaus

Oscar Berninghaus

Image by Harry Bertoia

Harry Bertoia

Image by George Biddle

George Biddle

Image by Karl Bitter

Karl Bitter

Image by Norman Bluhm

Norman Bluhm

Image by Robert Blum

Robert Blum

Image by Isidore Bonheur

Isidore Bonheur

Image by Rosa Bonheur

Rosa Bonheur

Image by Gutzon Borglum

Gutzon Borglum

Image by Solon H. Borglum

Solon H. Borglum

Image by Joseph Boulton

Joseph Boulton

Image by John J. Boyle

John J. Boyle

Image by Joe Brown

Joe Brown

Image by Henry Kirke Brown

Henry Kirke Brown

Image by Frederick Buchholz

Frederick Buchholz

Image by Fritz Bultman

Fritz Bultman

Image by David Burliuk

David Burliuk

Image by Sydney Butchkes

Sydney Butchkes

Image by Filippo Chissotti

Filippo Chissotti

Image by Allan Clark

Allan Clark

Image by Paul Cornoyer

Paul Cornoyer

Image by Charles Brinton Cox

Charles Brinton Cox

Image by Allan D'Arcangelo

Allan D'Arcangelo

Image by Aimé-Jules Dalou

Aimé-Jules Dalou

Image by Geoffrey Dashwood

Geoffrey Dashwood

Image by Ralph de Burgos

Ralph de Burgos

Image by Jose de Creeft

Jose de Creeft

Image by Elaine de Kooning

Elaine de Kooning

Image by Edwin Willard Deming

Edwin Willard Deming

Image by Charles Demuth

Charles Demuth

Image by Edwin Dickinson

Edwin Dickinson

Image by Wilhelm Hunt Diederich

Wilhelm Hunt Diederich

Image by Lynne Drexler

Lynne Drexler

Image by Abastenia St. Leger Eberle

Abastenia St. Leger Eberle

Image by Robert Engman

Robert Engman

Image by Robert Engman – Michener Series

Robert Engman – Michener Series

Image by Sally James Farnham

Sally James Farnham

Image by Nic Fiddian-Green

Nic Fiddian-Green

Image by James E. Fraser

James E. Fraser

Image by Christophe Fratin

Christophe Fratin

Image by Stanley Freborg

Stanley Freborg

Image by Emmanuel Frémiet

Emmanuel Frémiet

Image by French School

French School

Image by Daniel Chester French

Daniel Chester French

Image by Harriet Frishmuth

Harriet Frishmuth

Image by Henry Gasser

Henry Gasser

Image by Walter Gay

Walter Gay

Image by Henry Glintenkamp

Henry Glintenkamp

Image by Richard LaBarre Goodwin

Richard LaBarre Goodwin

Image by Sidney Gordin

Sidney Gordin

Image by John Grabach

John Grabach

Image by John Gregory

John Gregory

Image by Chaim Gross

Chaim Gross

Image by Samuel Halpert

Samuel Halpert

Image by Bertram Hartman

Bertram Hartman

Image by Eli Harvey

Eli Harvey

Image by Herbert Haseltine

Herbert Haseltine

Image by Henry Hering

Henry Hering

Image by Malvina Hoffman

Malvina Hoffman

Image by Cecil De Blaquiere Howard

Cecil De Blaquiere Howard

Image by Charles Henry Humphriss

Charles Henry Humphriss

Image by Anna Hyatt Huntington

Anna Hyatt Huntington

Image by Karl Illava

Karl Illava

Image by Kyōhei Inukai

Kyōhei Inukai

Image by Harry Jackson

Harry Jackson

Image by Paul Jenkins

Paul Jenkins

Image by Carl Paul Jennewein

Carl Paul Jennewein

Image by Raymond Jonson

Raymond Jonson

Image by Max Kalish

Max Kalish

Image by Amy Kann

Amy Kann

Image by Cornelia Kubler Kavanagh

Cornelia Kubler Kavanagh

Image by Edward Kemeys

Edward Kemeys

Image by Rockwell Kent

Rockwell Kent

Image by Steve Kestrel

Steve Kestrel

Image by Antonio Grediaga Kieff

Antonio Grediaga Kieff

Image by Robert Kippur

Robert Kippur

Image by Dame Laura Knight

Dame Laura Knight

Image by Ida Kohlmeyer

Ida Kohlmeyer

Image by Mario Korbel

Mario Korbel

Image by Perna Krick

Perna Krick

Image by Leon Kroll

Leon Kroll

Image by Max Kuehne

Max Kuehne

Image by Gaston Lachaise

Gaston Lachaise

Image by Albert Laessle

Albert Laessle

Image by Ibram Lassaw

Ibram Lassaw

Image by Robert Laurent

Robert Laurent

Image by Ernest Lawson

Ernest Lawson

Image by Pietro Lazzari

Pietro Lazzari

Image by Blanche Lazzell

Blanche Lazzell

Image by Doris Lee

Doris Lee

Image by Leo Lentelli

Leo Lentelli

Image by Emanuel Leutze

Emanuel Leutze

Image by Jonas Lie

Jonas Lie

Image by Jacques Lipchitz

Jacques Lipchitz

Image by Seymour Lipton

Seymour Lipton

Image by Frederick W. MacMonnies

Frederick W. MacMonnies

Image by Aristide Maillol

Aristide Maillol

Image by Shelly Malkin

Shelly Malkin

Image by Paul Manship

Paul Manship

Image by John Marin

John Marin

Image by Marino Marini

Marino Marini

Image by Carlo Marochetti

Carlo Marochetti

Image by Reginald Marsh

Reginald Marsh

Image by Mercedes Matter

Mercedes Matter

Image by Edward McCartan

Edward McCartan

Image by William McElcheran

William McElcheran

Image by Clement Meadmore

Clement Meadmore

Image by Helen Mears

Helen Mears

Image by Joseph Meert

Joseph Meert

Image by Willard Metcalf

Willard Metcalf

Image by Carl Milles

Carl Milles

Image by Clark Mills

Clark Mills

Image by Francis Luis Mora

Francis Luis Mora

Image by Robert Motherwell

Robert Motherwell

Image by Elie Nadelman

Elie Nadelman

Image by Reuben Nakian

Reuben Nakian

Image by Louise Nevelson

Louise Nevelson

Image by Tetsuo Ochikubo

Tetsuo Ochikubo

Image by Hayward Oubre

Hayward Oubre

Image by Anthony Padovano

Anthony Padovano

Image by Jules Pascin

Jules Pascin

Image by Guy Pène Du Bois

Guy Pène Du Bois

Image by Beverly Pepper

Beverly Pepper

Image by Jane Peterson

Jane Peterson

Image by Arnaldo Pomodoro

Arnaldo Pomodoro

Image by Gio Pomodoro

Gio Pomodoro

Image by Alexander Phimister Proctor

Alexander Phimister Proctor

Image by Arthur Putnam

Arthur Putnam

Image by Brenda Putnam

Brenda Putnam

Image by Frederic Remington

Frederic Remington

Image by Paul Resika

Paul Resika

Image by Lucie Rie

Lucie Rie

Image by Frederick G. R Roth

Frederick G. R Roth

Image by Charles Cary Rumsey

Charles Cary Rumsey

Image by Carl Rungius

Carl Rungius

Image by Augustus Saint-Gaudens

Augustus Saint-Gaudens

Image by Rolph Scarlett

Rolph Scarlett

Image by Julius Schmidt

Julius Schmidt

Image by Charles Schreyvogel

Charles Schreyvogel

Image by Janet Scudder

Janet Scudder

Image by Charles Green Shaw

Charles Green Shaw

Image by J. Clinton Shepherd

J. Clinton Shepherd

Image by Rosina Emmet Sherwood

Rosina Emmet Sherwood

Image by Everett Shinn

Everett Shinn

Image by Henry Merwin Shrady

Henry Merwin Shrady

Image by Sewell Sillman

Sewell Sillman

Image by Renée Sintenis

Renée Sintenis

Image by Sal Sirugo

Sal Sirugo

Image by Eric Sloane

Eric Sloane

Image by Esphyr Slobodkina

Esphyr Slobodkina

Image by James Smillie

James Smillie

Image by Joseph Stella

Joseph Stella

Image by James Suzuki

James Suzuki

Image by Benedict Tatti

Benedict Tatti

Image by Paul Troubetzkoy

Paul Troubetzkoy

Image by Charles Valton

Charles Valton

Image by Maurice de Vlaminck

Maurice de Vlaminck

Image by Andre von Morisse

Andre von Morisse

Image by Bessie Potter Vonnoh

Bessie Potter Vonnoh

Image by Robert Vonnoh

Robert Vonnoh

Image by Anna Walinska

Anna Walinska

Image by Martha Walter

Martha Walter

Image by Heinz Warneke

Heinz Warneke

Image by Albert Wein

Albert Wein

Image by Robert White

Robert White

Image by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney

Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney

Image by Wheeler Williams

Wheeler Williams

Image by Andrew Wyeth

Andrew Wyeth

Image by William Zorach

William Zorach

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